
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Picture Definitions of Swing Terms Pt. 1

From Look Magazine, September 27, 1938

Alligators (swing fans) like these girls can't sit still when the swing (latest type of hot jazz music) band gets whacky (swings its wildest).

She savvies jive (understands the language of swing) and pleases the jitterbug (same as alligators). It's Ina Ray Hutton - as if you didn't know.

You never see dancing like this when paper men (musicians who play by note only) are reading the spots (notes) and schmaltzing it (playing sweet, sentimental music). These are shag dancers.

Paul Whiteman, the old man (leader), bends an ear as Jack Teagarden gets hot on the slush pump (trombone). Even ickies (persons who don't understand swing) can appreciate such a push-pipe player.