
Monday, July 25, 2011

Camp Hollywood 2011 - Balboa

This past weekend was the 14th annual Camp Hollywood, and as usual we packed up the car and drove 20 minutes to the LAX Marriott hotel for our "big" summer getaway. Hey, a couple days off work? I'll take it.

Out of all the swing dance weekend camps, Camp Hollywood is particularly dear to me. Not only is it the biggest swing event in the region, and is kind of a "family reunion" with longtime friends whom we don't get to see much, but it's also the camp where I first learned sugar pushes and swivels, took my first Balboa lesson, and saw Groovie Movie and Buck Privates for the first time. Way back in 1998, when I was a senior in high school. Without a doubt, that weekend changed my life.

This year Chris and I competed in Balboa, and won 2nd place (congrats to Jacob and Valerie for beating us again! ;) We were watching footage this morning at 4am when we got home, and I was particularly excited about how we danced in the prelims - I couldn't remember much about this dance after it happened, so I was surprised at how much I like it! 

Camp Hollywood 2011 Balboa Prelims
(I'm unfortunately blanking on the name of the guy who filmed and was awesome enough to pass us a copy)

And for those who are wondering, I'm wearing the trousers I made from Wearing History 30's Trousers pattern (blogged about here). I got so many compliments on them that I must make more soon! 


  1. You guys are amazing!!! I love watching you dance so much!
    And woohoo! Trousers! ;)

  2. Woohoo, looking smart in those trousers! They're on my wishlist. Congrats to your 2nd place, and your great supertwirl at the beginning. :-) Ohmy, I'm so far from your level.

  3. WHY are you wearing PANTS!?!? ;)

    You guys were awesome in the contest, as always. Congrats on the win, I didn't get a chance to say it in person on Sunday. Always my favorite weekend with our favorite roomies! XOXO


  4. Wow, what wonderful dancers you both are! Well done on the 2nd place! And those trousers really are great.

  5. Superheidi - I told Chris I wanted to do multiple spins, and he was nice enough to oblige. I'm totally gonna start calling that the SuperTwirl. :)

    Jen - hahahahaha! I've learned my lesson, don't mess with the old-timers. If they say wear skirts, one must wear skirts! ;) thanks for being our roomies again this year!

    Lauren & Lauren - thanks! It was a fun contest. :)

  6. You two are THE BEST! You're so smooth and keep such a great connection eve when you have no contact; you need to give us all lessons!

  7. Congratulations to you and Chris! Sorry for repeating myself for the millionth time but I have to say again how much I love watching you dance and how I can never get enough of it. You two are the most elegant couple I have ever seen on a dance floor! And yes please... lessons!

