
Monday, March 11, 2013

Regency Reticule - HSF #4 (Embellish)

I'm racing to the finish with this challenge, slipping in this blog post at the 11th hour! I'll try to do better with my next one. For the Embellish challenge, I decided to finish an embroidery Regency reticule (drawstring purse) that I started at Costume College 2011. (Soon you'll start noticing a theme with my HSF projects - I'm trying to use as many UnFinished Objects as possible!)

I love this project - I had wanted to learn embroidery for a long time but never found a book I liked on it, so when Beginning Embroidery was offered as a class at CoCo, I jumped at it. The purse is cute and easy to make, I love the off-white and green, and I'm a sucker for initials.

I embroidered both side of the purse so that I could have more practice with the stitches, and I think that was good - it wasn't until halfway through the second side that I could pick up the project and start right in with the handstitching, my hands remembering what to do on their own.

The Challenge: #4 Embellish - Decorations make the historical garment glorious. Whether you use embroidery, trim, pleating, lace, buttons, bows, applique, quilting, jewels, fringe, or any other form of embellishment, this challenge is all about decorative detail.

Fabric: Silk Dupioni

Pattern: Embroidered Regency Reticule: A Kit for Beginners by Catherine Scholar

Year: 1810-1815

Notions: Embroidery floss, Tassels, Cording

How Historically Accurate is it: Good enough for me! As far as I know, slubby silk dupioni was considered inferior quality at this time, but I think it existed. I think the trim has rayon and/or poly, and the bag itself is 100% machine sewn - EVEN the one visible seam. (*gasp*)

Hours to Complete: Many good hours spent in front of the tv, 2 or 3 to make the bag.

First Worn: Maybe I'll use it at Costume College this year? No other Regency events on my horizon.

Total Cost: The class and kit was $20 or less (can't remember) -- a STEAL!


  1. WOW! Go you! That is a lot of work. It looks just beautiful!
    Now you need a day dress to go with it ;)

  2. Yay!!! You finished it :) mine still lies in an unfinished heap somewhere in my sewing room!

    It looks so good too, you really did a great job!

    And I totally second Lauren's call for a matching day dress ;)

    Perhaps we need to make our own event if there isn't one sooner . . .

  3. I just wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the Very Inspiring blogger Award.

    Whether or not you chose to carry it forward I at least wanted to share with you directly the impact you have had on my own creativity. You have a great blog and I so enjoy seeing all you are doing in sewing and the Vintage dance scene!

  4. This looks great! Such delicate embroidery, awesome job!

    I'm also nominating you for an award! I love your blog, and I enjoy reading it!
